Friday, November 28, 2008
# - 8:52 PM
hiie ppl
went to see the doctor today again
and my mums complaining its because of the camp
even the doctor said no
my fever keep coming back and i keep coughing
and my mum is like the camp caused me to spend extra 57 dollars
like i can help it
going to concert tonight

Thursday, November 27, 2008
# - 10:10 PM
hiie ppl
i hate hate hate hate myself
# - 9:29 PM
hiie ppl
that idiot just destroyed my nice wonderful day

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
# - 5:45 AM
hiie ppl
no wonder playing the piano is a profession
i am dying
i feel so stupid
i was suprised by my own speed
and couldnt control myhand from rumming out of control
i need more more more practise
and practise
and practise

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
# - 5:57 AM
hiie ppl

About: Videl is the daughter of Hercule Satan. She is the strongest human female in Dragon Ball Z and often saved the city from everyday criminals who tried to rob banks or kill innocent people. She attended Orange Star High School, where she met Gohan. She eventually found out that Gohan was the mysterious and heroic "Gold Fighter" and threatened to tell everyone his identity. Gohan begged her not to for his family sake, and in exchange for fling lessons she kept his secret. She reminded Gohan of his mother, who is really pushy and wants things done her way. Gohan and Videl eventually grew found of each other and ended up getting married, having a daughter named Pan.
# - 5:50 AM
hiie ppl
i just spent one and a half hour
and practised TWO pages
though i did rest in between
# - 5:44 AM
hiie ppl

# - 5:44 AM
hiie ppl

whatt theeee.........

Monday, November 24, 2008
# - 9:28 PM
hiie ppl
i feel so so guilty
i havent played for so many days
sossossosoososo many days
she is going to feel so disappointed
# - 9:19 PM
hiie ppl
but actually on second thought
i think if i was him i would have been envy at other people
he has such a sad life
a virtual orphan at sixteen
and had to raise two siblings
well no one has everything
no one is perfect
# - 9:00 PM
hiie ppl
man i am jealous though i shouldnt be
he is called second mozart at age of twelve
he mastered the whole well-tempered clavier by twelve
he composed nine variations on a march by twelve
and here i am struggling with one prelude and fugue
and struggling to compose one piece imiative of prokofiev
and its already killing me
ok i should write down a list of cds that i want and should borrow/buy
the love for three oranges
romeo and juliet
bradenburg concerto (it roxs)
goldberg variations (listen before i think forgot)
art of fugue(I WANT THE SCORE TOO)
varations on the theme of paganini
and some other works
some sonatas
piano concertos
fidelio or f something
cant remember i noe beethoven and him each wrote this opera starting with f
i should try listening to some opera
actually operas are not bad
even though i cant understand the language
its nice
and im dying trying to finish this book of the biography of beethoven
forcing myself to read
though actually it is a little interesting
but i HATE reading biographies

Sunday, November 23, 2008
# - 5:20 AM
hiie ppl
been feeling horrible
had strings camp
two day one night
its quite fun actually
at night couldnt sleep woke up thrice and sneezing away
that night go home had fever
went to see doctor today
high fever
at the clinic it was 39.5 degrees
and its air-con so add a few more degrees
and i felt more horrible at night
so i guess my fever had been over 40 since last night
but after eating medicine
felt better
but very very dizzy
so dont expect me to post often
and i am super clumzy and blur today
i knocked over my precious cds
broke one cd case
and asked my mum why dad is at home

Sunday, November 9, 2008
# - 2:27 AM
hiie ppl
in a very bad mood right now
i practised so hard
and i flung it
[b]We Can't Predict Who You Voted For[/b]
According to our quiz, there's a 45% chance you voted for Obama.
But that means there's an 55% chance you voted for McCain.
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While we can't predict how you voted, there's a good chance you voted for the winner!
[url=http://blogthings.com/didyouvoteforobamaormccainquiz/]Did You Vote for Obama or McCain?[/url]

Saturday, November 8, 2008
# - 11:51 PM
hiie ppl
ppl are starting to u noe what at me to update
so here i am
i have been super diligent
reading books
and practising
and chopin is seriously KILLING ME
i just told my mum yesterday
bach is heaven chopin is hell
i am already dying at 60 per minum
not to say the actual speed is 69
im going to dieeeeee
and i had a hell of a time trying to fix my fingering for beethoven
i was horrible
i regret inventing my fingering always
just cos i have a rather big hand
it was so much easier using the one printed
and i am going sentosa on mon
looking forward to the night show
forgot the name
but its going to be so ex
and i want to go bowling, swimming blah blah a whole list of things
just changed braces
theres this horrible rubber band attached in my mouth
its not the usual one where two bands at the back
this one goes across in front
i hate it
i have to take it down just to have a bite at my snacks
trying to read this super thick book on beethoven
i still think bach is nicer and easier to practice anddoesnt bore me so easier
and i am so happy
i have the complete well tempered clavier one and two
all three volumes of beethoven sonatas
and both opus of etudes of chopin
and i just realised
i really have to many scores lying around
and shes leaving next march
i am going to miss her
i would have given up long ago if she did not teach me
i am NOT looking forward to that watever poland teacher
i want her to stay
though i noe its not possible
and i noe she is at her limit
i noe i need a new teacher
look on the bright side
i have no idea y
but mum is buzzing at me to go watch a movie
very long never watch movie already
dont get why
maybe she wants to get me out of the house