Friday, January 25, 2008
# - 5:51 AM
hiie ppl
how are u ppl
i am soso tired
yesterday and the day before i slept at 12
well today it was like i was so tiried until
when i board the bus i took out my handphone instead of wallet
oh wells
sorry i have been super busy and this will be a short post too
i will post inuyasha pics next time when free
there are like a mountain of hw this weekend
oh and well i think all of u are starting to get bored of this skin
not that it is not nice
but it is like every time come here is this very sian
i will change soon
lala promised to make me a new fma skin based on pics i give her
it will be a half navi skin
it is gonna be fabulous
i actually think of channing first but no time
anyway she says she willl finish by march
oh and the blogskin also two sets of icons would be my birthday present from lala

Monday, January 21, 2008
# - 4:25 AM
hiie ppl
trying my best to let my blog look alive
here are pics from fma
or full metal alchemist
the anime that i am watching currectly
next post would be on inuyasha


Saturday, January 19, 2008
# - 7:34 AM
hiie ppl
funny of me to blog three times a day
well i will try my best to upload more pics
maybe like about bleach fma d-gray man
so that my blog looks more lively though its dead
well ya
gd night
sweet dreams
# - 7:18 AM
hiie ppl
i have finished updating the links and have added everyone in the class to msn
if i left u out pls tell me changed a new playlist its from lala
i heard it before its nice
and here are the icons designed by the genius lala which i like

This is my favourite

Friday, January 18, 2008
# - 9:30 PM
hiie ppl
i am currently obseesed with fma
and i was chosen as group leader for project work again
yeeyee and lala and xr sabo me again
ppl go to lala blog and look at her icons

Thursday, January 10, 2008
# - 5:47 AM
hiie ppl
oh wells sorry for not updating
i was busy watching fma
full metal alchemist
so sad
i just watched ep25
and one of the characters hughes died
i liked him
he was like soooo nice
and that idiotic stupid homuculus that secretary
i need tissue
oh and we are in the main emsemble now
me and lala
oh well it is so boring
i want to go trainee emsemble dont need to stay back
nowadyas i stay back almost every day
mon and thurs german
wed string emsemble
friday twice a week db lesson
our this year class is that the fourth level
my legs are gonna break

Saturday, January 5, 2008
# - 9:57 PM
hiie ppl
i think i should really update my blog
anyway i just tightened my braces
and i am in a really bad mood cause it hurts
i changed it to purple this time
our art teacher wanted us to write a essay on why do we need to paint
i am writing it right now
so i shouldnt be blogging
anyway i was looking for artist
and came across a whole list of composers
here is the linkis soooo cool
well i know wikipedia is not reliable
but well just look through its sooo cool
i have a whole book of composers at home
but not so may composers
well ya
gtg write the essay

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
# - 6:11 AM
hiie ppl