Sunday, July 29, 2007
# - 1:08 AM
Your Blogging Type is Spontaneous and Shocking |
 Nothing is off limits for you when it comes to blogging. In fact, your blogging style is basically "Shock and Awe." You're competitive - you strive to be an A list blogger. And with your wild writing style, you just might make it. |
You Are A Gold Girl |
 You're dependable and hard working. You never miss a deadline - and you're never late. You have a clear sense of right and wrong. You're very detail oriented. You get frustrated when your friends are sloppy - or when they don't follow through. You're on top of things, and you wish that everyone else was! |
Your Gemstone is Amethyst |
 Dignified, impressive, and wise. You have a deeply spiritual soul |
You Belong in Paris |
 Stylish and expressive, you were meant for Paris. The art, the fashion, the wine! Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park... You'll love living in the most chic place on earth. |
Your Italian Name Is... |
 Fiorenza Mancini |
# - 12:51 AM
i am so touched today
early in the morning
celeste and lala messaged me
and then diy called
i nv thought anyone would remember my birthday actually
and lala gave me this pic

i love it
it is so nice
and yunyi
i will like watever u give me =)

Thursday, July 26, 2007
# - 8:29 PM
Your Japanese Name Is... |
 Haya Reizei |
# - 8:24 PM
Your Power Element is Earth |
 Your power color: yellow
Your energy: balancing
Your season: changing of seasons
Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends. You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems. Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones. Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful. |
# - 8:23 PM
You Are a Brownie Cheesecake |
 A little chunky and a little gooey, you pretty much run on sugar! You take hedonism to the extreme.. And people love you for it. |
# - 8:21 PM
You Are a Speckled Egg |
 Artistic, alternative, and not exactly buying into this Easter thing. |
# - 8:19 PM
You Are an Afternoon Person |
 You can find energy any time of the day ... or night! You prefer to be out and about when most other people are. Very early mornings or very late nights aren't really your thing. You're practically solar powered, and the afternoon is when do best. |
# - 8:17 PM
You are 40% Gemini |
# - 8:16 PM
You Are a Carnation |
 You are down to earth and grounded. You tend to be more traditional than trendy. Your confidence gets you through anything. People trust you and are very loyal to you. |
# - 8:14 PM
Your Beauty Element is Air |
 You're quirky, fresh, and fashionable in a surprising way. You have a beauty that's all your own, and it changes as quickly as the wind! |
# - 8:10 PM
Your Power Color Is Teal |
 At Your Highest:
You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.
At Your Lowest:
You feel in a slump and lack creativity.
In Love:
You tend to be many people's ideal partner.
How You're Attractive:
You make people feel confident and accepted.
Your Eternal Question:
"What Impression Am I Giving?" |

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
# - 7:24 AM
brought harry potter
couldnt resist the temptation
it is so nice!!
but then keep on this person die that person u know wat
y so sad one lah
i got to go

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
# - 6:27 AM
You Are Winter! |
 Intelligent Serious Cozy Calm Shy |
# - 6:23 AM
stop nagging me to update
miie mum is already nagging me to stop playing com
i am so crazy over this watever blogthings.com
so many stupid stuff such as the ones i posted
oh and diy help me change skin
comment on it pls
try the watever german name
kind of not like me
my image of monika
as in english monica
is being influenced by monica
ok sorry monica
but i dont think u ever come miie blog so u wont see this
ya monica i am beating around the bush
i think that a "monica"
is those guaiguai one
which i dont think i am
cause i sleep during lessons and watever lah
# - 6:20 AM
You Are Dancer |
Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance. Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer. Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly. |

Monday, July 23, 2007
# - 8:39 PM
Your German Name is: |
Monika Alexa |

Friday, July 20, 2007
# - 9:58 PM
i am so sick today
had a fever cough cold sore throat
i always get sick for nothing
and it is like only a week to miie birthday
idiotic lah
yesterday i went vivo to watch harry potter
ok lah
just like everyone is saying
a lot is cutted out from the book
but ok wat
lala and yeeyee were like going not nice at all lah
just dissapointed because they didnt have that part which i was looking forward too
it is like harry was angry as sirius died
then was breaking things in the head master office
and dumbledore was like saying he has a lot of stuff so continue
something like that lah
i read that book like last year or last last year
so cant really remember very detail
borrowed it from library by the way
went to dasco to find that watever japanese rice paper
for art to make mask
cannot use normal paper according to that mr ong
must use rice paper more watever
isnt it like the same?
asked the salesman over there and they dont even know wat it is lah
and that mr ong still say he brought from there one
cant even find
i kind of found it but dunno if it is the one lah
one side shiny one side rough
went round dasco after movie
for like half hour to find that thing loh
saw this shop called valerie
was burstling with shoppers
dunno y yesterday vivo
so many ppl one lah
today so many ppl tagged
and they made my day=)
i guess this was the longest post i ever made

Thursday, July 19, 2007
# - 8:49 PM
changed miie blogskin today at the school at com lab
pls comment on it!!!!
# - 4:54 AM
here are the pictures taken during the mep concert
still remember????
will i promised lala that i will post it
i know it is a very long time ago
here they r .....
yeeyee and her fan...
lala and xiao rui....
lala and miie....
xiao rui and miie...
four of us ......
three of us...
same three...
another three pppl...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
# - 5:15 AM
this blog is so like gonna die
anyway it is already dead
this is the 51st post
and miie birthday is coming soon
so bored
there is this blahblah art project
on making a blahblah mask
so boring
this week is e-learning for german
and i cant understand y the teacher went to put a picture of bach on the webpage
looks so weird
and i dont like to see that pic
cause i see so many times until i am so damn bored
today i drew and create and design a unique mask
the ine and inly one in the world
i didnt know that i can draw something nice

Sunday, July 15, 2007
# - 8:19 PM
i just had the worst disatrious lesson ever in my whole life
it was a double bass lesson
and he was lecturing me all over the place spending half an hour
cos i didnt practice
and played a very"hard"piece which is not hard at all lah
so stupid loh

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
# - 1:28 AM
i just remembered wat i wanted to type
there is like a history test today
i am so gonna die
i slept at midnight yesterday to study for that test
and watever i study come out partially
the things that i dont study for always come out
so idiotic lo
i am being influenced by yeeyee's idiot and retarded stuff
and lala's die
and i couldnt even memorise it last night lah
miie mum was talking to me and kind of nagging about other stuff lah
next tue
i am so gonna die too
there is the first swimming lesson
i am in itermmediate
omg lah
miie spelling is getting worse
who cares lah
so and that day still have two tests
life science and chemistry
our first test
i dont even know wat to expect from it
i am so gonna die
i better stop this dying thing
and STOP getting influence by lala
the banana in pyjamas
she is so gonna kill me

Monday, July 9, 2007
# - 8:20 PM
sorry for no posting for a very long time as i had no time
i am already restricting myself to not borrow any books from the library
i so feel like reading a storybook lah
so bad lo...
at the com lab now
doing the presentation on the civic district
later present
i was being sabo to be the leader lah
and the class outing rap lo
that xiao rui and arina started it lah
and then yeeyee and lala also vote lah
will sabo them next time
i actually wanted to post something
but now i forgotten wat i wanted to type
i have short term memory lah
gtg do that blahblah thing

Saturday, July 7, 2007
# - 7:04 AM
so so so busy
there is
la acting
that blahblah presentation project work
revise history
revise geography
do la hw
and maths hw
so much to do
so bored
and bored
and ppl can pls tag lah
u know the feeling when u see urown cbox empty
so pls tag lah
tag wont die one right
but miie blog will like die one lah
just jkjkjk

Friday, July 6, 2007
# - 6:54 AM
no time
gtg watch ghost whisperer
just want to say that
i checked the links
and updated miie blog